by myShopradio GmbH



Control everything with one app: in-store radio, in-store TV, digital signage, menu boards, signposts, frequency measurement, in-store analytics and much more.Regardless of whether it is an individual sales room, a chain store or a group - with MYSHOPRADIO + TV you can easily start your own in-store radio and TV network. While the radio program provides the musical soundtrack for the perfect shopping atmosphere and sets unmistakable acoustic impulses for buying across the entire retail area, the companys own TV program is by far the most effective instrument when it comes to addressing customers visually. Whether a single TV display, video wall, multiscreen, special formats or synchronized coordination with shop radio - the MYSHOPRADIO + TV solutions convince right from the start and literally bring movement to your marketing. Put an end to 08/15 in-store radio: expand your in-store communication to a real competitive advantage and benefit from many additional buying impulses - with the perfect symbiosis of music, engaging advertisers, impressive TV clips and innovative technology for top performance at the point of sale.With the MYSHOPRADIO + TV app you can comfortably manage your content and locations - whether for one or hundreds of locations. Want to quickly activate the right campaign for Moonlight Shopping, including a coordinated music program? No problem, its in your hands! Operation is so simple and intuitive that you will love it. - Control in-store radio and in-store TV conveniently from a single source.- Fast planning and implementation of individual content and campaigns.- Load your own content directly into your program - including automatic quality check.- Allocation of rights for different users.- and much more